My dream helped me to step into my purpose. Sounds weird or maybe not that much.
Before I share my personal experience with you, I would like to explain a couple of things. I tried so long to understand the difference between those two things. The first one is passion or your dream and the second one is your purpose. Passion is what you love doing. Actually, what you always have been dreaming about since you were a child. It can be teaching, dancing, being a pilot etc. A purpose is that one special thing that God has called you to do in this world. The thing about your purpose is that you cannot run away from It. Let me use my own life as an example. I love singing, speaking, hosting. But my purpose is to motivate other people. I cannot run away from It. Every single time that I am leaving the door of my house there will automatically be someone who will need me. And yes, I always have to be ready to talk to that person and to tell everything what he or she needs to hear at that particular moment. So, I can live in my purpose by the things I love doing. I can motivate people by my interviews, by being myself, through what I'm doing even without noticing that I'm living It. Well I can already hear someone asking me "But what If I don't know my purpose?" Well, you should ask God what your purpose is. Why are you in this world? He will lead you by the little things you have to do so you can enter to what he really called you to do. Now I would like to talk to you about those small things in life that seem so insignificant to us but big in the eyes of God. Recently, I was watching an interview by Lala Anthony who was telling to other young people that the best thing of her life came after she did something for free. Sometimes she had to do things she didn't want to do. Life is a process. We are all a work in progress and in every stage of your life you have to accomplish things in order to achieve the next step of your life. You need to make sacrifices. The question is are you willing to take the small things before getting the big things? What If you are put in a position that makes you feel like not waking up at 5 ‘o clock in the morning? Would you quit or would you choose to stay in your bed? How can you handle that 5000 euro a month If you cannot even handle the 10 euro you are getting? Let's make It clear It’s not easy but If you know your purpose you will recognize If this is the right thing you should do or not. (You know that little voice in your head that most of us love ignoring because of our ego). There is no time to quit every single time that things are getting harder. There is no time to complain If we get the first stage of what we are prepared to do later. Ask yourself: What do I have on my plate right now? What am I supposed to do right now? Do It! Show God that He can trust you with the small, little things and see HIS blessing for your life. Kiss from a woman with no Limits XoXo Christelle Zitu
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